展示您的创意吧!使用吉锐触摸的X-Trim投影电容式触摸屏突显新颖之处!-边框宽度仅有14.8mm,比传统方案更纤薄。-同尺寸大屏占比,提供更多互动空间 -丰富尺寸可选,最大可达55...阅读更多 -
Slant Trio触摸显示器 – 近乎完美的模拟曲面显示器视觉体验
模拟曲面机身:三个显示器组合倾斜设计,超窄边框设计:显示器之间几乎无缝的视觉体验 LED边框可选:均匀可寻址 LED 照明,无热点、暗点和暗角 请联系我们了解有关SlantTrio 触摸显示器的更多详细信息。...阅读更多 -
• 令人惊叹的 43 英寸光学全贴合曲面触摸显示器,改善了观看和触摸体验,并具有更高的耐用性 • J 型曲面 LCD,曲率为 1500R,UHD 4K 分辨率下色彩鲜艳,亮度为 500 尼特 • 均匀可寻址周围 LED灯条,无热点、...阅读更多 -
我们正在等你。阅读更多 -
During successful G2E 2022, we won customer praise and established excellent cooperative relationships with customers. We look forward to discussing our latest product further with you about your project. GT will bring you other surprises! For more product info, contact us: info@generaltouch.com.阅读更多 -
与 Android 触摸一体机一起畅饮 - 21.5 英寸
• 高达1.8GHz 的Rockchip RK3399 处理器,运行Android 10。您可以根据需要更改横向或纵向模式的显示。• 精英系列提供丰富的外设选择,功能齐全。随意组合,为顾客提供方便、快捷的自助...阅读更多 -
The fruitful three days are the recognition of GT’s products and services by customers in the gaming industry. If you have gaming product needs, come and communicate with us! For more details, contact us: info@generaltouch.com阅读更多 -
G2E2022 第 2 天非常棒!
Only one day left during G2E! Why not come to us? It will give you a different experience! Booth No.1336 THE VENETIAN EXPO, LAS VEGAS For more details, contact us: info@generaltouch.com.阅读更多 -
Dash button HapticFeedback with a virtual button with LEDinteractive creates an interactive and immersive experience and excites the player. More energy-efficient 4K UHD OLED display showcases crystal clear, lifelike color. For more details, contact us: info@generaltouch.com Come to our LAS VEGAS...阅读更多 -
Our team wrapped up an impressive day 1 G2E with many visitors. If you haven’t been to our stand, come to say hi to us! Booth No.1336 THE VENETIAN EXPO, LAS VEGAS For more details, contact us: info@generaltouch.com阅读更多 -
吉锐触摸在 2022 年 G2E 上推出首款 iSurface™ 曲面触摸屏
吉锐触摸将在 G2E 2022上推出其采用零边框技术的突破性曲面 SAW 触摸屏,这是吉锐触摸首款 iSurface™ 曲面触摸屏。全新 iSurface™ 曲面触摸屏融合了吉锐触摸的尖端技术和创新设计功能,...阅读更多