The fruitful three days are the recognition of GT’s products and services by customers in the gaming industry. If you have gaming product needs, come and communicate with us! For more details, contact us: info@generaltouch.com阅读更多 -
G2E2022 第 2 天非常棒!
Only one day left during G2E! Why not come to us? It will give you a different experience! Booth No.1336 THE VENETIAN EXPO, LAS VEGAS For more details, contact us: info@generaltouch.com.阅读更多 -
Dash button HapticFeedback with a virtual button with LEDinteractive creates an interactive and immersive experience and excites the player. More energy-efficient 4K UHD OLED display showcases crystal clear, lifelike color. For more details, contact us: info@generaltouch.com Come to our LAS VEGAS...阅读更多 -
Our team wrapped up an impressive day 1 G2E with many visitors. If you haven’t been to our stand, come to say hi to us! Booth No.1336 THE VENETIAN EXPO, LAS VEGAS For more details, contact us: info@generaltouch.com阅读更多 -
吉锐触摸在 2022 年 G2E 上推出首款 iSurface™ 曲面触摸屏
吉锐触摸将在 G2E 2022上推出其采用零边框技术的突破性曲面 SAW 触摸屏,这是吉锐触摸首款 iSurface™ 曲面触摸屏。全新 iSurface™ 曲面触摸屏融合了吉锐触摸的尖端技术和创新设计功能,...阅读更多 -
ConceptProduct UltraWide 展示更多详情!带来沉浸式大屏体验!34英寸C型曲面触摸显示器,曲率1500R。21:9 比例,专为分辨率 3440X1440 的沉浸式游戏而设计。由吉锐触摸提供支持的曲面 PCAP 触摸技术。欲了解更多详情,请...阅读更多 -
欢迎来到G2E2022 GT展位1336
Welcome to G2E2022 in VENETIAN EXPO, LAS VEGAS! 10-13 Oct. 2022 Booth 1336 Meet us! We’re waiting for you. Email: info@generaltouch.com阅读更多 -
广范和非凡的,震撼视觉 尺寸49-55寸可选,更大曲面屏,更大视野 不仅有1500R曲率的舒适观看体验,更有800R曲率可选的醒目曲率,带来身临其境的视觉享受。LED 和非 LED 可选。博...阅读更多 -
是什么让 Slant Trio 触摸显示器提供模拟曲面显示游戏体验
是什么让 Slant Trio 触摸显示器提供模拟曲面显示游戏体验?模拟曲面机身:三块显示器组合倾斜设计令人惊叹的视觉和触摸体验:光学全贴合触摸显示器几乎无缝的视觉效果:超窄边框设计,无突兀的边缘令人兴奋的...阅读更多 -
欢迎来到 GT G2E2022 展位 1336
Welcome to G2E2022 in VENETIAN EXPO, LAS VEGAS! 10-13 Oct. 2022. Booth 1336. Meet us! We’re waiting for you! Email: info@generaltouch.com阅读更多 -
吉锐曲面触摸屏将亮相G2E 2022
我们在制造曲面触摸屏方面拥有超过 5 年的经验。弧形玻璃的强度高达34J,这意味着玻璃可以承受成年男子用吧椅打破柜子。所有曲面触摸屏均可用,例如 C、J 和 S 形状,尺寸最大为 55 英寸...阅读更多